Acorn People - Acorn Products for Sale Around the World

Below is a list of companies and enthusiasts working with acorns to create edible foods. You can also see a map created by Oakmeal here

Edible Acorn Companies (Present)

Acornucopia - Asheville, NC, USA (Bill Whipple)

The Acorn Initiative - Littleton, MA, USA

California Indian Museum and Cultural Center Tribal Youth Ambassadors - Santa Rosa, CA, USA

Chunhyanggol Cham-Muk Company - Korea

Cooperativa de Usarios do Freixo do Meio - Portugal

Distilerias Espronceda - Spain

Forager’s Harvest - Wisconsin, USA

Health Embassy

New England Acorn Cooperative - Dorchester, NH, USA (Daniela Dana)

Oakmeal - Kea, Greece

Thousand Oaks Acorn Company - California, USA

Zelod - Slovenia

Edible Acorn Companies (Past)

Harvestin’ Howard - CA, USA (Howard Manning)

Mighty Wild - Houston, TX, USA (Mimi Brown)

Oaklore - Norwich, VT, USA (Jay Avis) 

Sue’s Acorn Cafe and Mill - Martinez, CA, USA (Sue Chin)

Acorn Fed Pigs

Acornseekers - Flatonia, TX, USA

Glendower Farms - Florida, USA

Snow Brook Farm - New Hampshire, USA

Walden Hill - New England, USA

Mimi BrownComment